GLOBAL PROSPERITY 2001 FOUNDATIONAL EDUCATION COURSE- is a 12-hour audio cassette home study course with accompanying documentation. The course explains, in a logical sequence, how the American people have allowed themselves to give away their control of their individual rights, thus eroding priceless financial and individual freedoms guaranteed to us by the founding father's in the U.S. Constitution. It also compares common law and statutory law, and it provides in-depth instruction on the use of practical tools to regain one's financial and personal freedoms.
This education includes details on domestic and offshore trusts. The course teaches you how to use them to legally eliminate business, personal, and capital gains (income) taxes for life. You will learn how to protect assets against liens, levies and judgments. All the strategies and recommendations are verified throughout the course with citations to past and present court judgments, laws and rulings.
Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education is an evolving course. As new information is discovered, it will be added. Future editions will be released as needed, providing the most up-to-date knowledge for you. Upon registering the course, you will receive a list of contributors (those involved in producing the course) and other resources for free initial consultations with the contributors. You will learn which transitional tools will be useful in achieving your financial and personal freedom goals, and how to implement them. You may choose to access conference calls hosted by some of the contributors to answer questions about taxes, trusts and other transitional tools. As you acquire this knowledge, you will become part of an elite group of individuals who are privy to the world's most exclusive, strategic financial information for wealth creation available today.
ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS - The contributors are well-known in their areas of expertise. After you receive your course, and decide to keep it, you will want to register your course. You will then receive the names and telephone numbers of the contributors to the course, as well as other resources to contact for more information.
GLOBAL PROSPERITY 2001 CONTINUING EDUCATION SERIES-will provide updates and the latest information as it emerges. The seriesis a free yearly subscription of eight additional audio-tapes. It includes new developments, recent rulings, laws, strategies and court cases to continue an unparalleled education and understanding of recommended courses of action. This is a must for anybody who is serious about his or her freedom and knowledge. This yearly subscription is free when you purchase your Global Prosperity 2001 Foundational Education Course.